Project: Greenlodge Sewer Interceptor Project, Contract  #2009-2S
Owner: Town of Canton, MA
Engineer: Stantec Consulting
Contract Value: $4,350,539.55
Completed: August 2011
Description: Furnished and installed over 8,000 linear feet of 30-inch PVC sewer pipe cross-country through wetlands. Project included jacking a 48-inch steel casing underneath I-95 for approximately 400 feet as well as installing a 6-foot by 6-foot box culvert across Elm St for the channeling of the Ponkopoag Brook. Pipeline was constructed partially through an ACEC (Area of Critical Environmental Concern), and extensive precautions were taken to limit disruption in the area. Full restoration of wetlands was completed at job’s end.




Project: Construction of Storm Drains, Sanitary Sewer, and Water Mains in Lower Roxbury, Contract No. 10-309-013
Owner: Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Engineer: Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Contract Value: $2,777,319.99
Completed: December 2011
Description: Furnished and installed over 3,000 linear feet of 6-inch to 12-inch PVC sewer pipe, 2,000 linear feet of 15-inch to 24-inch PVC drain pipe, and over 2,000 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water pipe in the New Market Square area. Sewer pipe was installed in cuts as deep as 22 feet in Massachusetts Ave in Boston. Entire project was completed at night to avoid inconveniencing local business.




Project: East Millbury (Areas 6 & 7) and Park Hill Ave and Martin Street (Area 11) Sewer Project, Contract 32 & 33
Owner: Town of Millbury
Engineer: AECOM
Contract Value: $6,446,437.00
Completed: June 2009
Description: Furnished and installed approximately 21,000 linear feet of 8-inch PVC sewer pipe, 1,650 linear feet of 4-inch ductile iron force main, 4,600 linear feet of 6” ductile iron force main, and 3 package pump stations.


Project: East Street Reconstruction Phase II
Owner: Town of Dedham, MA
Engineer: Stantec Consulting
Contract Value: $6,244,574.00
Completed: May 2009
Description: Furnished and installed approximately 8,000 linear feet of 12-inch to 36-inch polyethylene drain pipe, 78 catch basins, 125 drain manholes, box culvert, and drainage chambers. Road reconstruction included 11,000 linear feet of granite curbing, concrete sidewalks, full-depth excavation, and full-width paving.